AAD | Azure Active Directory | |
AD | Active Directory | |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
CIDR | Classles inter-domain routing |
CPU | Central processing unit |
CMD | Commandshell (Windows Eingabeaufforderung) |
BIOS | Basic inup output system |
BMC | Baseboard management bontroller |
BSSID | Basic service set identifier |
DAC (Kabel) | Direct atached cable |
DAC (Converter) | Digital to analog converter |
DDR | Double data rate |
DHCP | Dynamic host configuration protocol |
DLP | Data loss prevention |
DNS | Domain name system |
DSL | Digital subscriber line |
DVI | Digital video interface |
ESSID | Extendet service set identifier |
FQDN | Full qualified domain name |
FTP | File transfer protocol |
GAN | Global area network |
GPU | Graphics processing unit |
HA | High avalebility |
HDD | Hard disk drive |
HDMI | High definition multimedia interface |
HTTP | Hypertext transfer protocol |
HTTPS | Hypertext transfer protocol secure |
ID | Identificator / Identifier |
IDS | Intrusion detection system |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IF | Interface |
IMM | Integrated management module |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IPS | Intrusion prevention system |
ISP | Internet service provider |
n/a | n/a |
KMS | Key management system |
LAN | Local area network |
LRS | Local Redundant Storage |
LWL | Lichtwellen Leiter |
MGM | Management | |
MFA | Multi Factor Authentication | |
MSP | Managed service provider | |
MSP | Messagesens protocol | |
MsTSC | Microsoft terminal service client |
NAS | Network atached storage |
NIC | Network interface card |
NTP | Network time protocol |
OS | Operating system |
PAN | Private area network |
PCI | Peripheral component interconnect |
PPG | Proximity Placement Groups |
PID | Process identifier |
POE | Power over ethernet |
QOS | Quality of service |
RAID | Redundant array of independant disks |
RAM | Random access memory |
RDP | Remote desktop protocol |
RPC | Remote procedure call |
RTT | Roundtrip time |
SAN | Storage atached network |
SMB | Server Message Block |
SMTP | Simple mail transfer protocol |
SPF | Single point of failure |
SSD | Solide state drive |
SSH | Secure Shell |
SSID | Service set identifier |
SSL | Secure socket layer |
SSO | Single sign on |
SSPR | Self Service Password Reset |
TCP | Transmission control protocol |
TLD | Top level domain |
TLS | Transporl layer security |
UDP | User datagram protocol |
UEFI | Unified extensible firmware interface |
UI | User interface |
UML | Unified modeling language |
UPN | User principal name |
URL | Uniform recource locator |
VGA | Video graphics array |
VM | Virtual machine |
VPN | virtual private network |
WAF | Web aplication firewall |
WAN | Wide area network |
WLAN | Wireless local area network |
n/a | n/a |
n/a | n/a |
n/a | n/a |